Wow, so I never thought I’d be writing a blog for the whole world to see. Spirit’s been ragging on me for a couple years now to write. “You’re a writer.”, they say. Wha? “Start that blog.”
I guess I’ll start out the blog by introducing myself. I’m Tana and I started my spiritual awakening journey almost 4 years ago in February of 2017 by finding my twin flame. Ever since my life has been turned upside down. I was a nonbeliever in all of this before this happened to me. Didn’t really have a spiritual bone in my body. Then Spirit started “talking” to me. By that I mean, I found out I’m clairaudient and not only that…clairvoyant, claircognizant, and clairsentient. Currently I’m in school, 5 months away from graduating and am about to start a practice. I’m a certified Spiritual Response Therapist, a Spiritual/Ascension/Twin Flame Coach, and an Intuitive Guide. Anyway, enough about me…what am I going to write about?
I want to write about spiritual topics that will help those who are new to awakening and spirituality. I am as real as they come and want to be relatable to everyone, especially those that were like me before they awakened. Non believers that weren’t really spiritual in the least. The process can be confusing and scary. One can feel like they’re going crazy at times and when I was feeling this way I couldn’t find alot of resources out there that were helpful. I’m in no way a college educated writer, so my blog is more than likely going to be littered with grammatical atrocities to some. Really, grammer is the least of my worries. ;)
Next post, I’m going to focus on the spiritual awakening itself and some of the symptoms and signs one may have in the early stages. Thanks for reading if you made it this far and I’m so grateful to be on this journey with the collective!
Blessings —
T. Lea